From Word document create epub and mobi files. The manuscript is about 29,000 words and has 64 photographs. All the photos have file names with figure numbers which match the location in the Word document. Just insert above the captions.
Captions: Italicize but do not bold.
Full-page images: Figures 1, 4, 7, 13, 17, 20, 21, 24, 30 35, 40, 42/43,
...45, 50,56, 60
Chapter Design: See chapter one as example. Two images used are files beginning with Dreamstime in the dropbox.
Please indent paragraphs.
Hyperlink Contents and Notes within text to Chapter Notes. Ex. [1-1]
Word file and all images are in Dropbox at
[obscured] /sh/r9kefd36lgwio93/AAANxLwIrYZCtdOJ-0l0oubPa?dl=0
Skills: adobe indesign, graphic design